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Italian and British workers; pioneering work on In 1972 much of this work was drawn together at a rheology of lavas and growth of lava fields by discussion meeting convened by the Royal Society British scientists; and greatly improved ...
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Reproduction of the original: Etna by G.F. Rodwell
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This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
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Pietro Bembo (1470-1547), scholar and critic, was one of the most admired Latinists of his day. The poems in this volume come from all periods of his life and reflect both his erudition and his wide-ranging friendships.
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Giovanni Verga's intimate connection to his Sicilian roots and his commitment to portraying the authentic experiences of its inhabitants shine through in this compelling collection, reflecting his dedication to capturing the true essence of ...
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Ilvolume è una raccolta di poesie sull'Etna di famosi scrittori anglofoni, tra i quali Wilde, Lawrence, Dickinson, ecc