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... Eumetopias jubatus , in Alaska , 1956-86 . Fish . Bul , U.S. 85351-365 . NMFS ( National Marine Fisheries Service ) . 1992. Recovery plan for the Steller sea lon ( Eumetopias jubatus ) . Prepared by the Steller Sea Lion Recovery Team ...
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... Eumetopias jubatus . Ph.D. Thesis , Univ . California , Santa Cruz . 145 pp . Hamanaka , T. , T. Itoo , and S. Mishima . 1982. Age - related change and distribution of cadmium and zinc concentrations in the Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias ...
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Aerial censuses were undertaken for Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) during 1971-84, and a review was made of published and unpublished data on numbers seen and numbers killed since ...
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... ( Eumetopias jubatus ) to their population decline in Alaska . Ph.D. Thesis , University of Washington . 171 p . Merrick , R.L. , Brown , R. , Calkins , D.G. , and Loughlin , T.R. 1995. A comparison of Steller sea lion , Eumetopias ...
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... ( Eumetopias jubatus ) . Ph.D. Thesis , Univ . California , Santa Cruz , CA , 145 p . Harvey , J.T. 1989. Assessment of errors associated with harbour seal ( Phoca vitulina ) faecal sampling . J. Zool . ( London ) 219 : 101-111 . Harvey ...
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... ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands during June 1989. U.S. Dep . Commer . , NOAA Tech . Memo . NMFS F / NWC - 176 , 26 p . Merrick , R. L. , L. M. Ferm , R. D. Everitt , R. R. Ream , and L. A. Lessard . 1991 ...