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After 9/11, fear has become an increasing issue in American society. Peter Stearns explores the historical causes and contemporary consequences of the high anxiety prevelant in American culture.
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This ebook edition contains a special preview of Dean Koontz’s The Silent Corner.
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Overcoming the Fear of Fear provides you with all the tools you need to stop fearing your anxiety symptoms for good. You'll learn to use cognitive behavioral techniques that have been proven effective for people with anxiety sensitivity.
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Michael Grant's Messenger of Fear is a haunting narrative that examines the nature of good and evil in every human. Fans of Michelle Hodkin's Mara Dyer trilogy and Stephen King will love this satisfyingly twisted series.
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But you don't have to live with these fears anymore. This book can help you overcome your medical phobia, maybe in less time that you ever thought possible.
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He had captured every fear, every reservation, and crushed them in the palm of his inked hand. *** This book deals with sensitive subjects such as domestic violence and sexual abuse. Not intended for readers under 17 years of age.
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Susan Jeffers, doktor psychologii z Columbia University, jest znaną postacią w amerykańskich środkach przekazu, prowadzi seminaria i często zabiera głos na forum publicznym.
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A Pulitzer Prize-nominated science writer conducts a thrilling journey through the science and everyday reality of this most human emotion. Illustrations.
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They thought the fears were gone.They thought the nightmares would stop haunting them.But the five of them were wrong.They're older now.