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Morábito presents a set of tools for assembling the world based on John Cage's 'scratch,' describing the tools' distinct yet multiple, at times overlapping and even dangerous, uses.
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In this poignant novel, a man guilty of a minor offense finds purpose unexpectedly by way of his punishment—reading to others.
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Drawing from everyday life in Mexico and abroad, these subtle, unsettling stories probe the boundaries between sanity and madness, life and death, safety and danger.
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Las palabras que suscribió Luis Ignacio Helguera en su valoración crítica de De lunes todo el año, en 1992, son extensivas a este volumen de poesía reunida: "La presencia de Fabio Morábito, su profunda y distante mirada dirigida hacia ...
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Meister der präzisen Sprache und Beobachtung, lotet er in Das geordnete Leben den Mahlstrom der steten Verunsicherungen und kleinen Katastrophen im Alltag aus.
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... Fabio Morabito Fabio Morabito was born in 1955 of Italian parentage in Alexandria , Egypt . After a child- hood in Italy , he moved with his family to Mexico . He has won a number of literary prizes . He writes in Spanish and lives in ...
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De Fabio Morábito escribió en su momento Sergio Pito!: «Desde sus iniciales ejercicios literarios se reveló como uno de los "raros" de la lengua. Desconcertó a algunos y fascinó a otros cuantos.
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Morábito, der in Mexiko-Stadt wohnt, sucht nicht den Überblick, die große Perspektive; seine Texte visieren das Abgelegene, das fast mikroskopische Detail. Von Fabio Morábito außerdem in der Edition diá: Das geordnete Leben.