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The innovative Fi 156 was the progenitor of today's STOL aircraft.
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Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of Fieseler Fi 156 Storch variants.
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A reprint of the German title that described the development and history of the Fi 156 Storch. Detailed photos and line drawings are included to add to the detailed text on this German plane.
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It remains famous to this day for its excellent STOL performance and remarkable wartime exploits. This book describes in detail the technical aspects of the aircraft, its design and development. All wartime versions are described in detail.
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... Fi-156 8 6 (Verbindungsstaffel) Kurierstaffel 8*** Fi-156, Fw-44 and Kl-35 7 6 Communication/Liaison. Kurierstaffel 11/\!\ ^ Fi-156, Bu-131, Fw-58 & W-34 6 6 (Sanitätsflugbereitschaft) Kurierkette PZGrp 2**** Fi-156, Ju-52 6 6 Ambulance ...
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... Fi 156 It has been said that even if the Fi 156 Storch (Stork) was built today, over 76 years after its first flight, it could not be aerodynamically improved upon. Slow and somewhat ungainly, the Storch went on to become one of the ...
fi_156 z books.google.com
... Fi 156 are inserted in the last column : fuselage and tail surfaces of the Fi 156 were applied without change to the AF 2 . In spite of all this , such a comparison involves certain dangers . Thus , it is emphasized at this point that ...