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For 25 years Francesco Totti was the uncrowned king of Rome, donning the famous carmine red jersey of the Italian capital's eponymous football club more times than any other player and scoring more Serie A goals than any other player in ...
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Legendą nie zostaje się z dnia na dzień. Chociaż kibice uwielbiali Francesco Tottiego od samego początku, to swoją lojalnością do AS Romy i charyzmą na boisku zakończył dyskusje nad zasadnością nazywania go bohaterem Rzymu.
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This Notebook is designed for people who love Francesco Totti and it is also a great gift on any occasion.
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... Roma, Imprimatur, 2013. ISBN 88-88551-45-X 88-09-04780-X 88-7615-685-2 88-88771-22-0 88-6830-034-6 88-6041-056-8 88-86713-79-7 (Totteide. Epic poem) TOC Previous External links Official website website Francesco Totti.
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Su debut en la Serie A con tan solo 16 años de edad, los comienzos repletos de obstáculos, y después, la gloria: capitán y profeta en su propio país, vistiendo durante 25 años la misma camiseta, un sinfín de títulos en el fútbol ...
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ELEGANT SIMPLE DESIGN - Whether on your desk at home or in your bag on the go our professionally designed 6 by 9-inch notebooks are the perfect size for journaling, drawing or notetaking.
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... Totti . Francesco è lì che aspetta , quasi , ha la visuale libera e il suo è un destro rasoterra che non lascia scampo nemmeno a un difensore che si era appostato sulla linea . « Un gol che dimostra tutta la sua utilità » , dicono di Totti ...
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Der ewige Kapitän Paolo Condò. FRANCESCO TOTTI EIN LEBEN IN ZAHLEN Geboren am 27. September 1976 in Rom Mutter Fiorella , Vater Enzo ( 1944-2020 / verstarb an COVID - 19 ) , Bruder Riccardo Verheiratet ... FRANCESCO TOTTI EIN LEBEN IN ...
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... Francesco Totti, the symbolic and beloved Roma hero and legend, who made his debut for the club as a 16-year-old in 1993 and played for Roma until 2017, is considered Roma's greatest player ever. Totti finished fifth for the 2001 Ballon ...