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... II , Franz Josef Land gained strategic importance for the Soviet Union as a base for bombers , especially after the development of the Soviet nuclear bomb . In 1952 , a big military airbase was constructed on Alexander Island , very ...
franz josef ii z books.google.com
... II . - Cairns of British Columbia and Washington . By Harlan I. Smith and Gerard Fowke . Pp . 55-75 , pll . i - v ... Franz Boas and George Hunt . Pp . 1–270 . January , 1902. Price , $ 3.00 . PART II . - Kwakiutl Texts . By Franz Boas ...
franz josef ii z books.google.com
... ii . 82 , 390 , 402 Finds two new fungi , ii . 87 Notes on Botany of Franz Josef Land , ii . 413 Report on Flora of Franz Josef Land , i . 126 Returns home by Windward , ii . 101 Sketch of Capes Ludlow and Lofley , i . 450 Flies , three ...
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Franz Liszt La Mara. INDEX OF NAMES . The dark figures indicate the addressee of a letter , the light figures merely the mention of a name ; S. EDA KUHN LOEB MUSIC LIBRARY 3 2044 039 671 300. ABDUL MEDGID , II ... Franz Josef , II . 139 , 234 ...
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... Josef II . mit A. E. 19 VII an Stelle der vormals bestandenen Medaille für 1789 für Soldaten des Mannschaftsstandes ... Franz Josef trägt , während auf der Rückseite die sizern der goldenen Medaille in dem Ausmaße der Worte Literis et ...
franz josef ii z books.google.com
... Franz Josef bei seinem Regierungsantritt verkündete Verfassung , lediglich darauf berechnet , dem Kaiserstaat einen freiheit- lichen Anschein zu geben , trat zunächst nicht ins Leben . Der neue Herrscher übernahm von seinem großen ...
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... Franz I took over in1928 following Johann's death, but such had been Johann's longevity that he was already an old man. In 1938 he handed over to his son Franz Josef II. The new prince went by the catchy full name of Franz Josef Maria ...