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This volume is a collection of the scientific papers of Frederick Reines.
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Narrated in a fashion to interest and excite the reader, the science presented here is accessible to a broad audience. Coursing through Reines' life, his various challenges and encounters, the book reveals constants of his persona.
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... Fred Reines as Teacher : Recollections of a former graduate student . Having been warned by Dr. Reines ' earlier recruits of the severe demands placed upon them in terms of labor and duration of service , I had made up my mind in 1961 ...
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... FREDERICK. REINES. (1918e1998). AND. CLYDE. L. COWAN,. JR. (1919e1974). Frederick Reines was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1995 “for the detection of the neutrino”; and it is said that Clyde Cowan would have shared that Nobel Prize ...
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Michael F. L'Annunziata. FREDERICK REINES (1918–1998) AND CLYDE L. COWAN, JR. (1919–1974) Frederick Reines was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 1995 “for the detection of the neutrino”, and it is said that Clyde Cowan would have shared ...
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B RAJASEKAR. 4. Clyde. L. Cowan. and. Frederick. Reines. Clyde Lorrain Cowan Jr., an American physicist, was the staff of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico, United ... Frederick Reines Delayed pair concept of neutrino ...
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... Fred Reines: Biographical details of Fred Reines are based on his own recollections at www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates /1995/reines-autobio.html, and on William Kropp, Jonas Schultz, and Henry Sobel, Frederick Reines ...
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... Reines and Cowan introduced delayed coincidences between the annihilation y - rays and the absorption y - rays ... Frederick Reines , Clyde Cowan . ' The telegram , which is reproduced in Fig . 8 of Ref . [ 39a ] , was ad- dressed to ...
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... Frederick Reines and Clyde L. Cowan, Jr., Nature 178, 446 (1956) Fred Reines received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the neutrino in 1995, several years after Clyde Cowan passed ... Fred Reines and Clyde Cowan at the Control.