frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat ! / s purpose di ( frustrat ! / s impossib ! / s perform ! ) frustrat ! / s " basic assumption " frustrat ! / s total entire / s contract purpose / s contract / s substantial ! / s frustrat ! frustrat ! / s discharg ! / s ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat est , frustrates , frustrat edst , frustrating , frustrat · ed ; frustration n . , -tions . frust'um n . , frust'a ; frust'ule n . , -ules . frut.escent a .; frut esc ́ence n . , -enc . es ; frutic ose a . fry n . , fries ; fry ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat and Ynglond delyveret fro daunger . In this mene tym thei of Londonne were so aferd as thou Frauns had be ... frustrat ] frustrat of his entend . C.C.C. daunger ] grete drede , C.C.C , so . ] om . C.C.C. 10 Frauns ] the King of ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat and Ynglond delyveret fro daunger . In this mene tym thei of Londonne were so aferd as thou Frauns 10 had ... frustrat ] frustrat of his entend . C.C.C. 8 daunger ] grete drede . C.C.C. so . ] om . C.C , C . 10 Frauns ] the King ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat , ( 6 frustraite ) , 5 - frus- trate . [ ad . L. frustrat - us , pa . pple . of frustrarī , frustrare : see next . ] Equivalent to the later FRUSTRATED . + A . pa . pple . In various senses of the vb . Obs . In recent ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat- ing and as unhappy as we might be about the problems politically in Ethiopia and the lack of cooperation . It seems to me at least that with the international support that we should get from other countries now that they too ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat the com- plenaris of thair releif , contempnandlie lyis at the horne . Quhairupoun thai menit thame to my Lord Regentis Grace and Lordis of Secreit Coun- sall , and obtenit letters , quhairwith thai causit charge the said ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... frustrat the solemne tailzie aforesaid , did tender and present a complaint to his Majesties Privy Councill against the supplicant and his mother as intruders into the possession of the said estate and mansion house of Corstorphin , and ...
frustrat z books.google.com
... Frustrat , a . foolish , 69. 107 . Frustrat , v . pt . pp . rendered vain , ren- dered useless , 88. 19 ; 150. 40 . Frute , sb . fruit , 73. 43 ; 246. 38 ; 321 . 2 - Fruit , 33. 88 . Frutless , a . without result ( business ) , 226. 2 ...