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... Félix Gaillard , « assez convaincu , comme l'écrit André Albert dans l'Aurore du 11-12 juillet 1970 , qu'en politique le temps est un grand maître qui suffit à régler bien des problèmes ... aussi parfois les laissait - il vieillir ...
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... FÉLIX GAILLARD (Premier, November 5, 1957–May 13, 1958). Félix Gaillard was born in Paris on November 5, 1919. He graduated from the Ecoles Libre des Sciences Politiques with a doctorate in law in 1943. He served in the French ...
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... Félix Gaillard demande que " le marché européen ( soit ) élargi aux territoires d'outre - mer rattachés aux nations du continent " . Félix Gaillard en Charente Le député de la Charente passe régulièrement plusieurs jours par semaine ...
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... Félix Gaillard, Maurice Faure, Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury, René Billères – were rivals and often differed greatly on policies.64 Edgar Faure did not return to the Radical fold until 1961 and he remained in it for only a few years. In 1962 ...
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... Félix Gaillard a défendu les positions fran- çaises face à ses interlocuteurs dans toute la mesure de ses moyens . M. Félix Gaillard n'a pas obtenu le quart de la moitié du commencement de ce qu'il avait pu deman- der . Je vous le ...
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Texts of Statements. Statement by Premier Felix Gaillard ( France ) 1 France has perhaps never before been more conscious than today of the honour done her by the countries united by the Atlantic Treaty in ... Felix Gaillard (France)
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... Félix Gaillard's government, which came to power in June 1957. Like Faure in 1952, this government had to suspend free trade measures at a time when France was committed to the Common Market. The Gaillard government carried out a ...
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International organization and conference series. General. I. 1 Statement by Premier Felix Gaillard ( France ) France has perhaps never before been more conscious than today of the honour done her by the ... Felix Gaillard (France) 34.
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... Felix Gaillard to take possession of government buildings along the Rue de Grenelle, whose Garde garrisons expected him. As Pierre Laval knew well, the Matignon's staff and garrison had quietly turned Gaulliste even while serving him ...