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'"Sex education, meteor showers, lesbian ventriloquist dummies, fleamarket shopping, body piercing, pot -smoking drag queens, environmental correctness, Judgment Day, Samuel Beckett, Newt Gingrich, Coco Chanel, Sigmund Freud--nothing and no ...
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Coming to terms with being gay in this society can be a stressful and lonely experience. Drawing on his own journey, Bob Paris' new book is designed to encourage gays to be proud of who they are.
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With gay comedy enjoying more mainstream success than ever, this book is coming out at the right time. According to the authors, it's the book "we would have loved to have had when we were growing up". Photos and illustrations.
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Part acidic political satire, part wild comedy, and part poignant social scrutiny, Remembrance of Things I Forgot is an uproarious adventure filled with sharp observations about our recent past.
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This unique collection of compelling first-person narratives is at once assertive, bold, and groundbreaking, filled with characters—and character.
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Someone I Love Is Gay was created out of Anita Worthen's struggle over these issues with her son and her work with New Hope Ministries in San Rafael, California, and Bob Davies's personal experience and professional experience with Exodus ...
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A profound personal journey Bob Fife was raised in a dysfunctional home and, despite an early conversion to Christianity, had an uneasy young life.
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Aside from the physical danger, being gay could be the equivalent of the scarlet letter for a young man with designs on making his mark in Republican politics. Somehow, Bob persevered. Inside and Out is his story.
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Do you want God's will for your life -- but struggle with gay or lesbian desires? The authors of this book understand your dilemma. This is not a theoretical book: it is a practical guide for people struggling with same-sex desires.
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The book also includes five personal stories from two families.