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S.R. Mishra. Geastrum triplex is one of the largest earth- star species . When fresh , it is also one of the most beautiful . It usually forms sparse colonies in humus - rich woods , in gorges , around old stumps , and in shady ...
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... Geastrum hygrometricum Cyathus limbatus Geastrum saccatum Cyathus stercoreus Geastrum triplex Cymatoderma dendriticum Geopora sp . C. elegans subsp . infundibuliforme Gloeoporus conchoides Cystoderma amianthinum Gloeostereum incarnatum ...
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... Geastrum indicum ( Klotzsch ) Rauschert , Z. Pilzk . 25 : 53 ( 1959 ) Cycloderma indicum Klotzsch , Linnaea 7 : 203 ( 1832 ) . [ Ponce de León ( 1968 : including lageniforme and triplex ) , Palmer ( 1968 : is not synonymous with triplex ) ...
geastrum triplex z books.google.com
... Geastrum triplex Junghuhn ( see photo , p . 16 ) COMMON NAME : Collared Earthstar . FRUITING BODY : 234-4 " ( 7-10 cm ) wide , 34–134 " ( 1-4.5 cm ) high when fully expanded , consisting of a rounded spore case and star - like rays ...
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... ( Geastrum triplex ) is shown . CHANTERELLES ( Cantharellaceae ) Cup with wavy edges ; underside with large , thick - ridged gills that run down the stalk . Colors quite variable from one species to the next . Scaly Chanterelle ( Gomphus ...
geastrum triplex z books.google.com
... Geastrum triplex Not edible Geastrum triplex is one of the largest earthstars reported from Kansas. Like all other members of Geastrum, it belongs to the family Geastraceae of the order Geastrales. It has been collected during the ...
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... triplex, or G. coronatum. Geastrum saccatum and G. triplex fruitbodies differ in a sessile endoperidial body often sunken in the rays collar surrounding endoperidial body; ENDOPERIDIAL BODY 8–20 mm broad, subglobose, sessile, smooth ...
geastrum triplex z books.google.com
William C. Roody. Latin name: Geastrum fimbriatum Fr. Synonym: Geastrum ... Geastrum saccatum (not illustrated) is very similar but has a more distinct halo with ... triplex (p.443) is much larger and when expanded the peridium segments crack ...
geastrum triplex z books.google.com
... GEASTRUM. TRIPLEX. JUNG. (geo=earth, astr=star; triplexthreefold). EARTHSTAR. and other Geastrum species Synonyms G. indicum is a synonym for Geastrum triplex (Arora, 1986). Other Common Names G. triplex is commonly known as “saucered ...
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... . Spores 3.5–4.5 μm; round; spiny; brownish to cinnamon in potassium hydroxide. Capillitial threads 3–6 μm wide; yellowish in potassium hydroxide; en- crusted. 00 10 40 Gomphus floccosus ( Schweinitz ) Singer ANDY 79 Geastrum triplex.