Wyświetlam wyniki dla glossophaga soricina
Zamiast tego wyszukaj glossophaga_soricina
glossophaga soricina z books.google.com
... Glossophaga soricina handleyi Webster and Jones 1980b : 5 ; type locality " Colegio Peninsular , Mérida , Yucatán ... soricina Pallas , 1766 SYNONYMS : des into Bolivia , Paraguay , northern Argentina , and south- ern Brazil . G. s ...
glossophaga soricina z books.google.com
... Glossophaga soricina soricina ( Pallas ) . 1766. Vespertilio soricinus PALLAS , Miscell . Zool . , p . 48 . 1818. Glossophaga soricina GEOFFROY , Mém . mus . hist . nat . Paris , vol . 4 , p . 418 . 1885. Glossophaga soricina TRUE ...
glossophaga soricina z books.google.com
... Glossophaga soricina in 1898 , while the two insular forms , one specifically distinct , the other differing from the mainland animal by average characters only , were described respectively in 1900 and 1913 . The material on which this ...
glossophaga soricina z books.google.com
... Glossophaga soricina in 1898 , while the two insular forms , one specifically distinct , the other differing from the mainland animal by average characters only , were described respectively in 1900 and 1913 . The material on which this ...