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"Numerous species of brown algae (Class Cyclosporeae: Order Fucales: Family Fucaceae) of the genus Sargassum occur throughout the world's tropical and temperate oceans.
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In the ghostly light the foundering vessel gave a strange impression of clinging desperately to her life.
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Facts are facts, none the less because passed on only by word of mouth, and this tale, based on matter gleaned beneath the tropic stars, may be truer than men are wont to think.
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Using a hybrid of comic-book panels and text, Ursula Vernon introduces an irresistible set of characters that will have readers laughing until smoke comes out of their noses!
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In "The Isle of Dead Ships", Crittenden Marriott explores the haunting tale of a mysterious island where abandoned ships go to die.
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Processes that enable marine phytoplankton to acquire trace metals are fundamental to our understanding of primary productivity and global carbon cycling.
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Thomas Sigismund Stribling (March 4, 1881 - July 8, 1965) was an American writer and lawyer who published under the name T.S . Stribling. He won the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1933 for his novel The Store.