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The treatment of meningiomas has also been influenced by the molecular biology of hormone and growth factors. Therefore it is accorded extensive space in this volume. The prognostic significance of nuclear DNA content is discussed.
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The first comprehensive guide dedicated to management of patients with pathologies in the sellar and parasellar region Focusing on the variety of pathological processes that arise in the sellar and parasellar regions of the central skull ...
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A multidisciplinary forum thus provided the backdrop to the Fifth European Workshop on Pituitary Adenomas from which the manuscripts of invited lectures are collected in this volume.
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This volume presents the new trends in basic and clinical research in the area.
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The first comprehensive guide dedicated to management of patients with pathologies in the sellar and parasellar region Focusing on the variety of pathological processes that arise in the sellar and parasellar regions of the central skull ...
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Hardbound. This volume covers the proceedings of the 4th European Workshop, held in Zurich in September 1987 and discusses the newest research results in pituitary adenomas.