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But the inhabitants of White Gryphon have not forgotten their long struggles, and have trained an elite guard force, the Silver Gryphons, to protect their city, and if necessary, to join with the army of the Black Kings for mutual defense.
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"Centuries of contact with sophisticated alien civilizations had brought humanity eternal life, unlimited wealth, and many exotic new ways to die.
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The first book in Mercedes Lackey's classic Mage Wars trilogy featuring the gryphons, set in the beloved fantasy world of Valdemar It is an age when Valdemar is yet unfounded, its organization of Heralds yet unformed, and magic is still a ...
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The second book in Mercedes Lackey's classic Mage Wars trilogy featuring the gryphons, set in the beloved fantasy world of Valdemar It has been ten years since the magical Cataclysm, which destroyed the twin strongholds of the two world's ...
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In her place, the evil Talona seizes the crown and enforces a new order of repression and violence, not only on her gryphon subjects but on the hippogryphs and other subordinate creatures as well.
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Six years after the end of the Great War, schoolmaster Rhissan Griffith believes himself just another young man struggling to find success at a private school in rural England.
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The urge within him is overwhelming, and Kerovan is driven to the mountains followed closely by Lady Joisan.
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This is not a stone at all! It is the egg of a mysterious creature called a Gryphon. This is the story of their adventures with a hatchling Gryphon named Edric.
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Gryphons are a new and budding race in the world.
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The Crystal Gryphon is the 3rd book in the Witch World: High Hallack Cycle, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.