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... Guillermo Endara , Guillermo " Billy " Ford , and Ricardo Arias Calderón . These three became the new president and vice presidents , taking the oath of office at a U.S. military base the night of the invasion . During the presidential ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... Guillermo Endara as the indisputable winner of the election ; Whereas on May 10 , 1989 , armed thugs acting on behalf of General Noriega attacked and severely beat Guillermo Endara , his Vice Presidential running mates , Ricardo Arias ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... Endara, on January 24, 1989, Guillermo Endara was confirmed as the presidential candidate of the Alianza Democratica de Oposición Civilista (ADOC, Civilian Democratic Opposition Alliance). 36 The parties in the opposition included the ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... Endara , los peticionarios manifiestan que " Guillermo Endara se vio ante un hecho consumado ... [ 1 ] os Estados Unidos trazaron sus planes de invasión mucho antes del 20 de diciembre de 1989 ... Guillermo Endara fue informado de la ...
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... Guillermo EnDaRa Galimany (Arias Madrid having died the previous August), and on May 10 the Electoral Commission nullified the results because of “obstruc- tion by foreigners” and a “lack of voting sheets [that] made it impossi- ble to ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... Guillermo Endara ( President ) , Ricardo Arias Calderon ( First Vice President ) , and Guillermo Ford ( Second Vice President ) . As its priority objectives , the Endara Government identified economic recovery and the transformation of ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... Guillermo Endara was informed of the inva- sion just ' [ b ] efore the additional US forces had landed ' ... Guillermo Endara stated unequivocally prior to the invasion that he was not in accord with military intervention by any country ...
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... Guillermo Endara after he broke with the PS. (He ran under the PS flag in the 2004 presidential election, finishing second to Torrijos with 30.9 percent of votes.) The VM did not participate in a coalition in 2009, and it failed to win ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... Guillermo Endara after he broke with the PS. (He ran under the PS flag in the 2004 presidential election, finishing second to Torrijos with 30.9 percent of votes.) The VM did not participate in a coalition in 2009, and it failed to win ...
guillermo endara z books.google.com
... GUILLERMO ENDARA On the morning of January 7 , 1991 , the delegation had a break- fast meeting with Panamanian President Guillermo Endara and leading members of his Cabinet . Panamanian officials attending the meeting included Second ...