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Cutting through the cliches that link gun ownership with violent, criminal subcultures and portray shooters as "gun nuts" or potential terrorists, Kohn provides us with a lively and untainted portrait of American gun enthusiasts.
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The viewpoints in this volume attempt to answer tough questions, such as “Do concealed handguns deter or increase crime?” and “Do the protections stipulated in the Second Amendment cover today’s gun owners?”
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The Greatest Gun Book of All Time Presents – In The Greatest Guns of Gun Digest®!&break; For over six decades, Gun Digest has been the definitive guide to the world's greatest guns.
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In Armed America, Cramer depicts a budding nation dependent on its firearms not only for food and protection, but also for recreation and enjoyment.
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Since the invention of gunpowder, nations have raced to create more useful and powerful firearms with which to protect, conquer, and hunt. 50 Guns That Changed the World explores the most significant firearms from the past two hundred years ...
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First adopted in 1917, the rugged and reliable Browning .30-caliber machine gun remained in US service into the Vietnam era, and is still occasionally found in use elsewhere even today.
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The one-stop guide to buying collectible firearms, with more than two million copies sold! If you are seeking a comprehensive reference for collectible gun values, the Gun Trader’s Guide is the only book you need.
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A new edition of a classic: the first complete picture of the public-health approach to gun violence
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This edited volume is unique in that it draws on a wide variety of disciplines and presents perspectives on both sides of the debate.
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The Guns & Ammo Guide to Sniping has everything you need to know about sniping!