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... On my behalf, Haagi took it upon herself to write my mother a letter making her aware of the situation and urging her, at the very least, to keep in closer touch with me. Years later, I found in my father's archives that my mother did ...
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Hearings Before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa, Eighty-Ninth Congress, Second Session United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Africa. Dr. VAN DER HAAG . I ...
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... HAAG . I think hiring an independent expert for a particular task , as hiring a lawyer , or hiring a physician , does not con- stitute employment . And it is not so generally considered . Mr. CULVER . Do you pay income tax on those ...
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... ON THE WEB Hagi : www.city.hagi.yamaguchi.jp E TRANSPORTATION . Hagi is served by three train stations , Tamae ( ER ) , Hagi ( ) , and Higashi - Hagi ( R ) . Tamae is conveniently close to the castle park and the old part of town . Hagi ...
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... Hagi . The colorful fruits are a wel- come sight on the blustry days when winds from the sea buffet the city . Sea of Japan Kyushu HAGI Honshu Shikoku Pacific Ocean Natsu - mikan were first grown in Hagi during the Meiji period . When ...
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... Hagi was skeptical. “How?” “They have a great history. They rose up to become international.” “But a long time ago, I think.” “Yes.” “Well,” Hagi allowed, “if you say so.” “They are good people. They will understand our problem. They ...
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... Hagi has preserved its old samurai quarter intact. The modern world seems to have bypassed this sleepy little town ... On the way out of the station, there are several bicycle rental shops—bikes are a practical way to visit Hagi ...
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... on the way here when Ganitriul went down. We had to be here to stop them. Secondly, the security measures are ... Hagi, that the same security measure that deactivated their weapons may also 'flip off'?” Hagi found himself fighting the ...
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... on Mar. 9, 10, 1936 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Mr. HAAG . I am not an expert on the Seamen's Act . Senator CLARK . Not an expert on what ? Mr. HAAG . I say I am not an expert on the Seamen's Act . Senator ...
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... ob . Adrjan . Hagi , ob . Gaje . Hahn Wiktor XXI . Hamerdorf , mylnie , winno być Stam- mersdorf ( ob . ) . Hamilton Sir William ( 1730-1803 ) , dyplomata ang . , od r . 1764 mini- ster ang . w Neapolu , brał czynny udział przy ...