Wyświetlam wyniki dla habib burgiba
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Instead, he used Islam as a principle mode of communication to mobilise the Tunisian masses. This book will be of interest to students of African studies, history, political science and religion.
habib burgiba z books.google.com
His country has much to thank him for but he ruled too long and ended his reign in the tragedy of senility and absolutism. This book is a sympathetic study of a long and fascinating life.
habib burgiba z books.google.com
His country has much to thank him for but he ruled too long and ended his reign in the tragedy of senility and absolutism. This book is a sympathetic study of a long and fascinating life.
habib burgiba z books.google.com
Habib Bourguiba, 1903-2000, former president and architect of modern Tunisia.
habib burgiba z books.google.com
Based on primary and secondary sources in Arabic, French, Italian, Hebrew, and English, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive history of the country.
habib burgiba z books.google.com
This book is important to scholars, researchers, and the general public concerned with events in North Africa and the Arab world.