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As acclaimed historian Heather Cox Richardson shows in Wounded Knee, the massacre grew out of a set of political forces all too familiar to us today: fierce partisanship, heated political rhetoric, and an irresponsible, profit-driven media.
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The Death of Reconstruction offers a new perspective on American race and labor and demonstrates the importance of class in the post-Civil War struggle to integrate African-Americans into a progressive and prospering nation.
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In Democracy Awakening, acclaimed historian Heather Cox Richardson delves into the tumultuous journey of American democracy, revealing how the roots of Donald Trump’s “authoritarian experiment” can be traced back through the earliest ...
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Rejecting the common assumption that wartime domestic legislation was a series of piecemeal reactions to wartime necessities, Heather Cox Richardson argues that party members systematically engineered pathbreaking laws to promote their ...
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"In To Make Men Free, celebrated historian Heather Cox Richardson traces the shifting ideology of the Grand Old Party from the antebellum era to the Great Recession, showing how Republicans' ideological vacillations have had terrible ...
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The story of Reconstruction is not simply about the rebuilding of the South after the Civil War.
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Named one of The Washington Post's 50 Notable Works of Nonfiction While the North prevailed in the Civil War, ending slavery and giving the country a "new birth of freedom," Heather Cox Richardson argues in this provocative work that ...
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At the Writer's Farm on the MacLeod Homestead, a vibrant community of writers gather every other weekend to talk about writing, enjoy one another's company, and play with writing ideas.
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Get the Summary of Heather Cox Richardson's How the South Won the Civil War in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book.
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Frosty, the second book in the Morgan Horse series, continues the adventures of Heather Richardson and her horse Blackjack. In addition, the story introduces a new character, a rare gray Morgan named Frosty.