Wyświetlam wyniki dla helleborus lividus
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helleborus lividus z books.google.com
Written for the committed gardener, this is a guide to the helleborus genus of hardy evergreen and deciduous perennials.
helleborus lividus z books.google.com
... Helleborus niger × Helleborus lividus Varietal Denomination : COSEH 930 ( 76 ) Inventor : Josef Heuger , Glandorf ... Helleborus niger Helleborus livi- dus . Cultivar denomination : ' COSEH 930 ' . BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present ...
helleborus lividus z books.google.com
... Helleborus argutifolius – flowers Helleborus foetidus – flower Helleborus niger– flowering plants Helleborus ... lividus Aiton subsp. corsicus (Briq.) Yeo]; Helleborus atrorubens Waldst. and Kit.; Helleborus cyclophyllus Boiss ...
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... HELLEBORUS is also the Trollius europæus . monopetalous . - STAM . filaments ... Hellebore , the Veratrum of Linnæus , a pe- rennial . HELLEBO'RINE ( Bot ... lividus , Livid , Purple , or Great Three - flowered Black Hellebore . Clus ...
helleborus lividus z books.google.com
Long considered a connoisseur's plant, hellebores are now among the hottest perennials. Authors Burrell and Tyler present this definitive book on the genus for hellebore lovers at every level of interest.
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Sir William Jackson Hooker. HELLEBORUS LIVIDUS . Native of Majorca . Nat . Ord . RANUNCULACEA . - Tribe HELleboreæ . Genus HELLEBORUS , Linn .; ( Benth . & Hook . f . Gen. Plant . vol . i . p . 7. ) HELLEBORUS ( caulescentes ) lividus ...
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... HELLEBORUS lividus . Three - leaved Hellebore . Linnean Class and Order . POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA . Natural Order , RANUNCULACEÆ . Juss . gen . p . 231 . Tribus IV . HELLEBOREÆ . Dec. syst . 1. p . 306 . HELLEBORUS . Suprà fol . 109 ...
helleborus lividus z books.google.com
... HELLEBORUS lividus . Three - leaved Hellebore . Linnean Class and Order . POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA . Natural Order . RANUNCULACEÆ . Juss . gen . p . 231 . Tribus IV . HELLEBOREA . Dec. syst . 1. p . 306 . HELLEBORUS . Suprà fol . 109 ...
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Robert Sweet. HELLEBORUS lividus . Three - leaved Hellebore . Linnean Class and Order . POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA . Natural Order . RANUNCULACEÆ . Juss . gen . p . 231 . Tribus IV . HELLEBOREÆ . Dec. syst . 1. p . 306 . HELLEBORUS . Suprà fol ...
helleborus lividus z books.google.com
... Helleborus, 51 Helleborus 'Anna's Red', 44, 141, 149 Helleborus argutifolius, 142 Helleborus ×ericsmithii 'Winter ... lividus, 142 Helleborus multifidus ×hybridus hybrids, 149 Helleborus multifidus subsp. hercegovinus × Helleborus ...