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... Herichthys , 635 Herichthys bartoni , 635 Herichthys carpintis , 635 Herichthys cyanoguttatus , 635 Herichthys deppii , 636 Herichthys geddesi , 623 Herichthys labridens , 636 Herichthys minckleyi , 636 Herichthys pantostictus , 636 ...
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... Herichthys alfari ) , Pastel Cichlid , 490 , 493 , 497 Cichlasoma altifrons ( AKA Herichthys altifrons ) , Hi - head Cichlid , 490 , 491 Cichlasoma atromaculatum ( AKA Herichthys atromaculatus ) , Rust - belly Cichlid , 514 Cichlasoma ...
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... Herichthys carpintis Herichthys tamasopoensis Herichthys bartoni Herichthys cyanoguttatus Herichthys labridens Herichthys minckleyi Herichthys pantostictus Herichthys steindachneri Paraneetroplus bulleri Vieja regani Vieja bifasciata ...
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... Herichthys cyanoguttatus 4 Rio San Fernando , Tamaulipas Herichthys cyanoguttatus 5 Soto la Marina , Tamaulipas 29053 Herichthys pantostictus 6 Rio Tamesi , Tamaulipas 29060 Herichthys pantostictus 7 Rio Guayalejo , Tamaulipas 29022 ...
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... Herichthys cyanoguttatus , Baird & Girard , 1854 . Herichthys cyanoguttatus , Regan , Ann . Mag . N. H. ( 7 ) xvi . 1905 , p . 434 . Hab . NORTH - EASTERN MEXICO , Nuevo Leon , Tamaulipas , and San Luis Potosi , extending into Texas . 2 ...
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... Herichthys cyanoguttatus , Baird & Girard , 1854 . Herichthys cyanoguttatus , Regan , Ann . Mag . N. H. ( 7 ) xvi . 1905 , p . 434 . 2. bocourti . 3. underwoodi . • 4. geddesi . Hab . NORTH - EASTERN MEXICO , Nuevo Leon , Tamaulipas ...
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... ( Herichthys friedrichsthali ) , 503 , 504 friedrichsthali , Herichthys ( Cichlasoma friedrichsthali ) , 503 , 504 fulvidraco , Pseudobagrus ... Herichthys salvinii ( Cichlasoma salvini ) , 517 , 518 Herichthys spilurus ( Cichlasoma 1306.
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3380. Herichthys bocourti ( Vaillant and Pellegrin ) . Lake Isabel , Guatemala Neetroplus bocourti Vaillant and Pellegrin , Bull . Mus . Hist . Nat . , Paris , 1902 , 85 , Lake Isabel , Guatemala . 3381. Herichthys carpintis ( Jordan ...
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... HERICHTHYS Baird and Girard . Herichthys Baird and Girard , Proc . Acad . Nat . Sci . Phila . , VII , 1854 . 25 ( H. cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard ) . 3378. Herichthys cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard . East slope of Mexico from Rio ...
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... HERICHTHYS Baird and Girard . Herichthys Baird and Girard , Proc . Acad . Nat . Sci . Phila . , VII , 1854 , 25 ( H. cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard ) . 3378. Herichthys cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard . East slope of Mexico from Rio ...