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This manual not only can be used as a reference and a guide for students but can also be used by educators and those conducting horticultural therapy to help construct effective treatment programs.
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New to this Edition: Various useful examples of horticultural therapy in practice and strategically placed tips and resources. Additions to appendix on horticultural therapy treatment strategies. New chapter on session planning.
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This book aims to enhance understanding and provide insight into the profession for both new and experienced practitioners.
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Did you know that plants and plant products can be used to improve people’s cognitive, physical, psychological, and social functioning? Well, they can, and Horticulture as Therapy is the book to show you how!
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Therapeutic landscapes are relational, reciprocal, and evolving. In this book, leading scholars from across the globe demonstrate how therapeutic landscapes research and practice is expanded through and around the processes of cultivation.
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Doctors have begun asking their heart patients to take up gardening as a relaxing therapy, and this book is going to tell you all about how to take full benefit of the gentle exercise for the body, as well as a relaxing and soothing therapy ...
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Through an approach strongly oriented to socio-health contexts and healthcare facilities, with multidisciplinary contributions on the methodological and technical aspects, or legislative issues, the book provides tools and design strategies ...
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Intergenerational gardening programs bring the generations together. This book presents a tested, hands-on, easy-to-use activity plan that benefits the development of relationships between adults over 70 and school-age children.