Porada: Wyszukuj tylko w języku polskim. Język wyszukiwania możesz określić tutaj: Ustawienia
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Shows how to use measurement to produce better company performance, discusses benchmarking, market analysis, surveys, and focus groups, and stresses emphasis on the customer, improved processes, cost reduction, and planning
hronec z books.google.com
Unlock your macro type and end the battle with the scale—for good. One-size-fits-all diets don’t work, and neither does counting calories alone.
hronec z books.google.com
... Hronec , M. , Vesely , V. , Collect . Czech . Chem . Commun . , ( 1976 ) . ( 1981 ) . 41 , 350 43 , 728 58 . Bučinská , A. , Hronec , M. , Vesely , V. , Oxid . Commun . , 7 , ( 1984 ) . 267 59. Hronec , M. , Collect . Czech . Chem ...
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... Hronec , M. Harustiak , and J. Ilavaky , React . Kinet . Catal . Lett . , 27 , 231 ( 1985 ) . 221. M. Harustiak , M. Hronec , and J. Ilavsky , J. Mol . Catal . , 48 , 335 ( 1988 ) . 222. M. Harustiak , M. Hronec , and J. Ilavsky , J ...
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... Hronec wysoko sobie cenił powołanie nauczycielskie , które jest kluczem do podniesienia poziomu wykształcenia narodu . Literatura Brťková , M .: Reformná pedagogika v XX storoči . Bratislava , Univerzita Komenského 1996 Hronec , J ...
hronec z books.google.com
... Hronec wysoko sobie cenił powołanie nauczycielskie , które jest kluczem do podniesienia poziomu wykształcenia narodu . Literatura Brťková , M .: Reformná pedagogika v XX storoči . Bratislava , Univerzita Komenského 1996 Hronec , J ...
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... Hronec was an excellent teacher. After leaving Brno, he devoted a great deal of energy to build higher education in Slovakia. When Milan Rastislav Stefánikˇ Technical University in Košice was founded (1937), Jur Hronec was appointed its ...
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... Hronec (Rohniz, Kisgaram) near Podbrezová during the time of the Hungarian Kingdom (Nesvadba and Plevák 1982). There were seven blast furnaces on Hronec in 1740. The rolling mill ofthe plate originated in Hronec in 1814. The bridge had ...