Porada: Wyszukuj tylko w języku polskim. Język wyszukiwania możesz określić tutaj: Ustawienia
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Over the past decade, the understanding of the processes involved in the regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its dysfunction has greatly increased.
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The chapters of this book were contributed by authors from around the world, and from various scientific and clinical disciplines, who have devoted their careers to the study of the physiology and pathophysiology of the male.
hypogonadyzm z books.google.com
Men's Health is a concise, didactic compendium that covers three important aspects of male sexual health:- Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome; Premature Ejaculation and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
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Covering many clinical areas, this book pays particular attention to the diagnosis and management of hypogonadism, discussing current guidelines, biochemical assessment, new options in testosterone replacement therapy and long-term ...
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Increased vitality. More muscle. Improved health. Greater mental agility. These are just a few of the life-enhancing benefits that men with low levels of testosterone can experience when they increase their testosterone level.
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This book provides a background of essential knowledge on testosterone deficiency in men, including diagnosis and treatment.
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Assesses the specific issues concerning men and cancer. Examines the often overlooked aspects of mental health as it affects men. Incorporates new developments in metabolic medicine and men.
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... hypogonadyzm u szczurów ( Lei i in . 1976 ; Mansour i in . 1989 ) . Znaczenie tego pierwiastka dla układu rozrodczego samców potwierdzają dowiedzione powiązania między atrofią jąder i narządów płciowych u mężczyzn z niedoborem cynku ...