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... Interesariusz wewnętrzny (insider) „jest to ten interesariusz systemu generującego wartość, który uczestniczy bezpośrednio w procesach funkcjonowania systemu i jest związany z jego strukturą funkcjonalną w sposób formalny”150 .
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... Interesariusz Liczba odpowiedzi 1998 rok 2008 rok (N = 114) (N = 137) Prasa 91 (79,6%) 68 (49,6%) Władza lokalna 48 (42,2%) 28 (20,4%) Akcjonariusze 65 (57,3%) 64 (46,7%) Inne grupy 11 (9,4%) 0 (0,0%) Pracownicy firmy 102 (89,0%) 125 ...
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... interesariusz , Patrz : interesariusz cykl życia , 18 plan , 34 , 204 , 205 ryzyko niskopoziomowy , 19 ryzyko , 216 systemu , Patrz : system projekt złożoność , 36 , 37 zorientowany na datę , 225 zorientowany na funkcjonalności , 227 ...
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This book analyses the relationship between stakeholder engagement practices and organizational sustainability across sectors and disciplines.
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It's Our Research provides a strategic framework for people who practice UX research who wish to be heard by their stakeholders.
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This second edition includes the following key features: New and updated cases Additional Professional Insight commentaries Expanded use of charts and photos An appendix with the PRSA Member Code of Ethics and the IABC Code of Ethics for ...
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This is the first book to examine how science and stakeholders interact in an open and transparent manner to solve otherwise difficult and contentious issues related to energy and the environment.
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Strong stakeholder engagement is perhaps the most critical factor for achieving successful program execution in our fast-paced world.
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Managing Stakeholder Expectations for Project Success provides a practical approach to managing those things that matter most for project success—stakeholder expectations, communication, risk, change, and quality—so that scope, schedule ...
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This volume will be an indispensible resource for any serious scholar working in the area of stakeholder theory.