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Strelau (emeritus, psychology, Warsaw University; professor at the Warsaw School of Social Psychology since 1998) has spent more than fifty years studying this age-old question.
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The text, based on the author's four decades of personal study and data collection, thoroughly explores the physiological, biochemical, and genetic bases of temperament - incorporating age-specific methods of assessment developed through ...
jan strelau z books.google.com
International Perspectives on Theory and Measurement Jan Strelau, Alois Angleitner. Strelau , J. Das Temperament in der psychischen Entwicklung . Berlin : Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag , 1984 . Strelau , J. Pavlov's typology and ...
jan strelau z books.google.com
Charles D. Spielberger, Irwin G. Sarason, Jan Strelau, John M. Brebner. wartoscia stymulacyjna : Regulacja poziomu energetycznego zachowania [ Reactivity and changes in arousal level under situations differing in stimulative value : The ...
jan strelau z books.google.com
Jan Strelau, Hans J. Eysenck. behavior. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 1974, 5, 119–127. Strelau, J. Temperament—personality—activity. London: Academic Press, 1983. Strelau, J. (Ed.). Temperamental bases of behavior: Warsaw studies on ...
jan strelau z books.google.com
... Jan Strelau – mistrzem może stać się wybitny badacz, do którego osiągnięć i publikacji naukowych odwołują się inni i w ten sposób ów badacz staje autorytetem naukowym dla nich6. W pojęcie mistrza wpisany jest termin autorytet, przy ...
jan strelau z books.google.com
... Jan Strelau, and Agnieszka Miklewska. Introduction. From the very beginning of scientific research in psychology, the question about the relationship between intelligence and personality has been attracting attention. Chamorro-Premuzic ...
jan strelau z books.google.com
... Strelau, 1998.) For the purpose of this chapter we will concentrate on the regulative theory of temperament ... Jan Strelau goes back to the Pavlovian typology of CNS properties according to which Pavlov (1938) himself distinguished ...