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... Joel Stebbins and F.C. Brown started their electrical measurements of starlight in 1906 , they used resistive cells made by Jan Willem Giltay in the Netherlands.39 At the time , they were considered the best in the world , largely due ...
joel stebbins z books.google.com
... Joel Stebbins Star A Tauri , Eclipsing Variable . Joel Stebbins 218 · 193 Stars , Application of Michelson's Interferometer Method to Measure- ment of Close Double . J. A. Anderson . 263 Stars in Messier 3 , Photometric Catalogue of 848 ...
joel stebbins z books.google.com
... JOEL. STEBBINS. A major turning point for Washburn Observatory came when Joel Stebbins (1878–1966) succeeded George Comstock as director in 1922—a transition that was more than twenty years in the making. At a time when many nineteenth ...
joel stebbins z books.google.com
... Joel Stebbins , for example , confessed to George C. Comstock of the University of Wisconsin that he had no idea how to dress for the formal events associated with an international congress of astrono- mers to be held in connection with ...
joel stebbins z books.google.com
... Stebbins was born in Lebanon Township , Madison Co. , N. Y. , Sept. 21 , 1813 , and is the son of Joel Stebbins , a native of Massachusetts . The latter was reared on a farm in his native State , and after reaching manhood emigrated to ...
joel stebbins z books.google.com
... Joel Stebbins ( 1878-1966 ) , in the years from 1907 to 1922 , while he was the director of the University of Illinois Observatory . As a result of Stebbins ' work at Illinois with the photo- electric cell , photoelectric photometry ...
joel stebbins z books.google.com
... Joel Stebbins and photoelectric photometry Meanwhile Joel Stebbins had taken sabbatical leave from Illinois in 1912-13 and was able to witness at first - hand the installation of the photoelectric apparatus by Guthnick in Berlin in 1912 ...