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Handsome and personable, John Hodiak (1914-1955) embraced his heritage as the son of Polish-Ukrainian immigrants, making him a rare Golden Age actor whose true ethnicity (and birth name) were widely known by moviegoers.
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... John Hodiak , haunts their charming hill- side house . Agent Hal Gefsky , who lived in the house in the 1970s , says several of his houseguests saw Hodiak's specter hovering outside a second - floor window and walking ten feet off the ...
john hodiak z books.google.com
... John Hodiak — and we put the whole thing together in Los Angeles . I was cast as one of the judges on the court of inquiry . No lines . My main job was to understudy John Hodiak , who played Lieutenant Maryk . But my first job was to ...
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john hodiak z books.google.com
... John was re-teamed with John Hodiak after Ambush at Tomahawk Gap. They played pilots with clashing personalities. Hodiak was the captain of an army observation plane, John was the headstrong rookie he commands. They. Maureen O'Sullivan ...
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... John Hodiak's career. Alfred Hitchcock provided him with a solid boost in casting him in his 1944 production Lifeboat, adapted by Jo Swerling from a story by future Nobel Prize- winning novelist John Steinbeck. The film was notable in ...
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... HODIAK, JOHN (1914–1955) Pittsburgh-born performer who grew up in Michigan and began acting in plays at his local Ukrainian Catholic Church. Proudly working class, with an awkward and pronounced accent, he caddied and toiled in an auto ...
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... John Hodiak --John Derek Audrey Totter Maureen O'Sullivan ..Harvey Lembeck Richard Erdman William Chun Rex Reason Richard Bowers Todd Karns Al Choi ( M - G - M ) TERROR ON A TRAIN Producer , Richard Goldstone ; Director , Ted Tetzlaff ...
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John Reid. Maisie. Goes. To. Reno. Ann Sothern (Maisie Ravier), John Hodiak (Flip Hannahan), Tom Drake (Bill Fullerton), Marta Linden (Winifred Ashbourne), Paul Cavanagh (Roger Pelham), Ava Gardner (Gloria Fullerton), Bernard Nedell (J. E. ...
john hodiak z books.google.com
... John Hodiak John Wayne , Anthony Quinn Lee Tracy , Nancy Kelly Paul Muni , Larry Parks Dennis Morgan , Dane Clark Errol Flynn , Henry Hull John Garfield , Eleanor Parker Burgess Meredith , Robert Mitchum Robert Montgomery , John Wayne ...