Wyświetlam wyniki dla john shea
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This collection of short stories by John Shea compiles some of his best short writing.
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Filled with captivating stories and profound theological insighes, "Following Jesus" will challenge and inspire you.
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We want to reach out to all generations and backgrounds. Hopefully, these stories and lessons will inspire people in a positive way.” —Willie Mays
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In The Unstoppable Human Species John Shea explains how the earliest humans achieved mastery over all but the most severe, biosphere-level, extinction threats.
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To Dare the Our Father recognizes and respects these experiences but it envisions praying the prayer as a more sustained and challenging undertaking. How does praying the Our Father inform our thinking, feeling, willing, and acting?
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His writing is poignant and conversational making this book a valuable tool for professional ministers, as well as for Christians who reflect on the Gospels for personal spiritual growth.
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TALES FROM WEBSTER'S uses a simple premise: Take a dictionary, choose a word, then faithfully follow each sequential word to construct a narrative, employing no more than fifty words per sequential entry in the narrative.
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John Shea, STD, is a theologian, author, and storyteller who lectures nationally and internationally on storytelling in world religions, faith-based health care, contemporary spirituality, and the spirit at work movement.
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Co-authored by renowned San Francisco Chronicle baseball writer John Shea, this is a fascinating business story encompassing humble beginnings, unprecedented success, and the many lessons learned along the way.