Wyświetlam wyniki dla jón bjarnason
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jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Jón (1904_____), Jón (editor, 1909–57), Sigurbjörn, Sigurður Júlíus, Sigurður Nordal, Þorkell John, Saint, 70, 78 ... Bjarnason, at Ballará, 211 Jón Bjarnason, Presthólum, 188 Jón Bjarnason, Winnipeg, 340, 341 Jón Björnsson, 330, 333 ...
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Bjarnason , dr . theol . 2 Séra Jón Bjarnason i Latínuskóla . Bls . .10 3. Séra Jón Bjarnason við burtför úr Prestaskóla . 11 4. Séra Jón Bjarnason og félagar hans þrír .13 5. Lára Mikaelína Guðjohnsen . 14 6. Séra Jón Bjarnason í ...
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Jón Bjarnason ( 1852-1906 ) . — Guðm . Guð- mundsson . Reykjavík . ff . ( 2 ) . Guðm . Við jarðarför Ídu H. J. Halldórsdóttur 23 . okt . Erfiljóð . Svanlaug Árnadóttir ( 1895-1906 ) . - Fr. Fr [ ið- riksson ] . Reykjavík . ff . ( 2 ) ...
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
- Henry Wadsworth LongfellowNo poetical work of modern times stands forth as prominently and peculiarly a representative of the literature of a race and language as the Fridthjof's Saga of Esaias Tegnir. - Bayard Taylor
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Jón Bjarnason, 1874-1881. Rev. Jón Bjarnason Clipping File. A collection of letters, articles to and by Bjarnason. Olafsson, Jón. Letters to Rev. Jón Bjarnason 1873-1875. ______. Report on Alaska project. 1874. Thordarson, Runa. Echoes ...
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Jón Bjarnason of Presthólar ) , etc. , pp . 78-192 ; —Annar Partur þessarar Viisnabokar , Eru gømul og god Kuæde ... Jón Bjarnason ( the various rímur ) , while among the poets contributing to the second part are to be found : Ólafur ...
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Jón Bjarnason of Presthólar ) , etc. , pp . 78-192 ; -Annar Partur þessarar Viisnabokar , Eru gømul og god Kuæde ... Jón Bjarnason ( the various rímur ) , while among the poets contributing to the second part are to be found : Ólafur ...
jón bjarnason z books.google.com
... Jón Bjarnason of Presthólar ) , etc. , pp . 78-192 ; -Annar Partur þessarar Viisnabokar , Eru gømul og god Kuæde ... Jón Bjarnason ( the various rímur ) , while among the poets contributing to the second part are to be found : Ólafur ...