kardia z books.google.com
... kardia , heart , + agra , seizure . ] 1. A gouty affection of the heart . 2. Angina pectoris . cardialgia ( kar - dl - al'jl - ah ) [ G. kardia , heart , + algos , pain . ] Heartburn , an uncomfortable burn- ing sensation in the stomach ...
kardia z books.google.com
... kardia , heart , + agra , seizure . ] 1. A gouty affection of the heart . 2. Angina pectoris . cardialgia ( kar - di - al'jf - ah ) [ G. kardia , heart , + algos , pain . ] Heartburn , an uncomfortable burn- ing sensation in the stomach ...
kardia z books.google.com
Shirley Darcus Sullivan. kardia is " gone . " Here Medea urges her kardia to become armed for battle . As at Alc . 837 and Or . 466 , she addresses it directly . Kardia will need to be strong for Medea to act . Desire In earlier Greek ...
kardia z books.google.com
... kardia , heart , + malakia , softness . ] Softening of the walls of the heart . cardiomegaly [ G. kardia , heart , + megas ( megal- ) , large . ] Hypertrophy of the heart . car " diomelano'sis [ G. kardia , heart , + melanosis , a ...
kardia z books.google.com
Will the love of her witch be enough to heal her wolf?
kardia z books.google.com
... kardia " at Eum . 679 ) , 76 as is the case with phren . In reference to " physical " aspects , we find " kardia in phrenes " ( Choe . 832 ) and " kear near phrenes " ( Ag . 996 ) . Otherwise both phrenes and kardia / kear appear to be ...
kardia z books.google.com
... kardia , heart , + agra , seizure . ] 1. A gouty affection of the heart . 2. Angina pectoris . cardialgia ( kar - di - al'jl - ah ) [ G. kardia , heart , + algos , pain . ] Heartburn , an uncomfortable burn- ing sensation in the stomach ...
kardia z books.google.com
... kardia , heart , + agra , seizure . ] 1. A gouty affection of the heart . 2. Angina pectoris . cardialgia ( kar - di - al'ji - ah ) [ G. kardia , heart , + algos , pain . ] Heartburn , an uncomfortable burn- ing sensation in the stomach ...