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karin scheele z books.google.com
... KARIN SCHEELE " ... I first came into contact with the EYCB when the International Union of Socialist Youth ( IUSY ) , for whom I worked at the time as a political officer , held a study session in Budapest in 1996. At that time I was ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele (EP Plenary, 2003a, 2003b). Like other key features of the Commission proposal, centralisation provoked conflicts among Parliamentary groups. The large Right-wing European People's Party, including Christian-Democrat ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... (Karin Scheele, PSE, AT, 2005) czy, podobnie jak w przypadku PE, położenie większego nacisku na ochronę praw kobiet (Charles Tannock, ECR, UK, 2011). W tym miejscu trzeba też nadmienić, że po wejściu w życie ustaleń Traktatu ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele MEP (PES, Austria), 27 November 2002 Brian Simpson MEP (PES, UK), 5 November 2002 Maj Britt Theorin MEP (PES, Sweden), 26 November 2002 Nicolas Théry (Chief of Cabinet for Pascal Lamy, European Commissioner for Trade), 3 ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele performed the tedious task of making a consistent typescript of the different contributions and Jan-Dirk Vlasblom helped fixing many loose ends in the final stage of preparing the manuscript. Finally, we would like to ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele is the Austrian member of the European Parliment who shepherded the EU's policy on GMOs through the parliament. 91 GENETIC BOOMERANG.
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele, concerning CommProp Traceability, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on GMO labeling, where the rapporteur was Antonios Trakatellis. [10] Note that, at the final vote, the rapporteur voted against the report ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele (EP Plenary, 2003a, 2003b). Like otherkey features of the Commission proposal, centralisation provoked conflicts among Parliamentary groups. Thelarge Rightwing European People's Party, including ChristianDemocrat parties ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele, Andreas van der Burg, and my parents Alexander and Ingeborg van der Burg. In light of all this support I deem it only right that I claim the exclusive rights to all the falsity and misguidedness that remains in this book ...
karin scheele z books.google.com
... Karin Scheele-Schweizer, Die Personennamen des Alten Reiches: Altägyptische Onomastik unter lexikographischen und sozio-kulturellen Aspekten (Wiesbaden: Harrassaowitx, 2014), 507 [2177]. 4 Auguste Mariette, Les mastabas de l'ancien ...