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... Konnevesi allows us to make recommen- dations regarding the fishing strategy for four species . The MSY calculations should be made . separately for different stocks , but the knowledge of the stocks in Konnevesi is not yet sufficient ...
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... Konnevesi , Finland GERTRUD CRONBERG Introduction At the seventh workshop of the International Association for Phyto- plankton Taxonomy and Ecology ( IAP ) held on 5-15 May 1989 at Konnevesi Research Station , University of Jyväskylä ...
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... KONNEVESI ( CENTRAL FINLAND ) P. BAGGE SUMMARY The emergence and spatial occurrence of hydroptilids in the littoral zone of L. Konnevesi ( 180 km2 ) and its outlet ( Siikakoski MQ 43 m3 / s ) were studied by means of floating emergence ...
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... KONNEVESI . Hydrobiologia 86 ( 1-2 ) : 219-222 . 16 Jan. 1982 . SFA 27 ( 2 ) [ Finnish Game Fish . Res . Inst . , Fish . Div . , P.O. Box 193 , SF - 00131 Helsinki 13 , Finland ] In 1977 , the average fish yield in the oligotrohic and ...
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... Konnevesi Res . Stn . , SF - 44300 Konnevesi , Finland ] Glaucidium passerinum . 95-002507 Martin , Gary R .; Winifred E. Kirkpatrick ; Dennis R. King ; lan D. Robertson ; Pam J. Hood and Jim R. Sutherland . ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL ...
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middle of the waters of Konnevesi , which run in a N - S direction , the gauge is but slightly affected by wind . Records are available from the year 1927 . The gauge at Konnevesi S is fixed in rock in the southern part of the lake some ...
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Meddelanden Finland. Hydrologinen toimisto. middle of the waters of Konnevesi , which run in a N — S direction , the gauge is but slightly affected by wind . Records are available from the year 1927 . The gauge at Konnevesi S is fixed in ...
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Allan Sirén. middle of the waters of Konnevesi , which run in a N - S direction , the gauge is but slightly affected by wind . Records are available from the year 1927 . The gauge at Konnevesi S is fixed in rock in the southern part of ...