Porada: Wyszukuj tylko w języku polskim. Język wyszukiwania możesz określić tutaj: Ustawienia
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The collection spans a broad array of literary styles, from technical manuals to cultural essays, reflecting the diversity and depth of lamb processing practices across different cultures and times.
kotula z books.google.com
An unbiased account of the fate of the Jews of Rzeszow during the Nazi (German) occupation of Poland during World War Two.
kotula z books.google.com
Delve into the comprehensive guide to beef processing, from slaughtering to cooking. This detailed work, penned by experts in the field, provides insights into the art and science of beef preparation.
kotula z books.google.com
He made notes of everything he regarded as significant in his journals. This book contains his dated diary from that time. Translated by Gabrielle Eisen.
kotula z books.google.com
It has been recognized more recently that all foods derived from muscle, or muscle foods, have basically the same or similar characteristics in physical and chemical properties.
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Personal accounts of female to male transsexuals.