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In this text, author Megan McNally examines the concept of identity theft in universal terms in order to understand what it is, how it is accomplished, and what the nations of the world can do—individually or collectively—to prevent it ...
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This book explains how identity theft, data breaches, and fraud occur, how to protect oneself against these threats, and what obstacles U.S. law enforcement faces as it seeks to fight back.
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An overall plan on how to minimize readers risk of becoming a victim, this book was designed to help consumers and institutions ward off this ever-growing threat and to react quickly and effectively to recover from this type of crime.
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This book defines identity theft, studies how it is perpetrated, outlines what is being done to combat it, and recommends specific ways to address it in a global manner.
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Contents: (1) Intro.; (2) Def. of Identity Theft (IT): Theft vs.
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The first book to examine identity theft from the offender's perspective
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Examines the details of the crime identity theft and its punishment, as well as the controversy around the ways in which the government seeks to protect citizens from the problem.
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This book aims to provide such an understanding through an in-depth comparative analysis which illustrates how states, financial service providers, consumers, and others facilitate the occurrence of financial identity theft in the United ...