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kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul i grzbietowy są najmniej technicznymi wyścigami. Na razie zapomnij o stylu klasycznym i motylkowym. Dobry styl klasyczny wymaga żabiej pracy nóg, która dla wielu nowicjuszy jest nieosiągalna, a jeśli chodzi o styl motylkowy, to ...
kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul, Käpt'n Kraul erzählt (Berlin: Herbig, 1939), 79. 32 Kraul, Käpt'n Kraul erzählt, 81. Zenkovich, Vokrug Sveta za Kitami, 31. 34 Kraul, Käpt'n Kraul erzählt, 82. “Sovetskoe Kitoboinoe Sudno 'Aleut' v Tikhom Okeane,” Sovetskaia ...
kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul . Kraul was a Motorola product executive with a deeply felt , uncannily Palm - like philosophy of simplicity and design ele- gance . In May 1994 , he'd had a sudden inspiration : What the world needed , he felt , was a simple ...
kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul angle. Workit outfor yourselves. Supposin' Iam right inmy guess that it was Kraul shotTravis. O.K. Well, if it was good enough for Clemensky to put Kraul on to doin' that job it was good enough for him toknow what the general ...
kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul. Hensch, Brand and Kraul all agree that there have been no signs that record sales had suffered because of the pre-recorded tape business. In Kraul's opinion: "The disk is unbeatable because of its technical perfection." Brand and ...
kraul z books.google.com
This craft book for children shows how to make a waterwheel, paddle-steamer, propeller plane, parachute, windmill, simple pendulum clock, spinning tops, a little hot-air carousel or roundabout, a hot-air balloon, and lots more.
kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul angle . Work it out for yourselves . Supposin ' I am right in my guess that it was Kraul shot Travis . O.K. Well , if it was good enough for Clemensky to put Kraul on to doin ' that job it was good enough for him to know what the ...
kraul z books.google.com
... Kraul angle . Work it out for yourselves . Supposin ' I am right in my guess that it was Kraul shot Travis . O.K. Well , if it was good enough for Clemensky to put Kraul on to doin ' that job it was good enough for him to know what the ...