l.a.m.b. z books.google.com
Verily, the story Biff has to tell is a miraculous one, filled with remarkable journeys, magic, healings, kung fu, corpse reanimations, demons, and hot babes.
l.a.m.b. z books.google.com
Go through a roller coaster ride of emotions as you witness the miracles, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus in Kevin Atchley's clever and playful story,The Lamb.
l.a.m.b. z books.google.com
Winner of the 2006 Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry, judged by Michael Ryan.
l.a.m.b. z books.google.com
In The Supper Of The Lamb, Capon talks about festial and ferial cooking -- the first geared toward the uninhibited gorging a la gourmand for those rare and special occasions, the second toward the more subdued talent of making prime ...