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... TW Hydrae , a popular astronomy target located 176 light - years away from Earth in the constellation Hydra the Sea Serpent . Hubble Telescope's keen vision detected a mysterious gap in a vast protoplanetary disk of gas and dust ...
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... TW Hydrae is relatively nearby and also the right age to be forming planets. The star's protoplanetary disk contains more than enough mass to form one or more Jupiter-sized planets. A dusty disk like that in TW Hydrae tends to emit ...
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... TW Hydrae astrometric parameters measurement R. Teixeira1 , C. Ducourant2 , G. Chauvin3 , A. G. O. Krone - Martins2,1 , J.-F. le Campion2 , I. Song1 and B. Zuckerman 1IAG / São Paulo University , Brazil email : teixeira@astro.iag.usp.br ...
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... TW Hydrae to avoid a messy planetary construction site . Researchers at the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have discovered that the gaseous disk surrounding TW Hydrae holds vast swaths of pebbles extending outward for at ...
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... TW Hydrae association (Gizis 2002) shows excess. Gizis (2002) reported strong Hα emission (equivalent width ≈ 300 ̊A) from one of the TW Hydrae objects, the M8 dwarf 2MASSW J1207334-393254, and suggested it could be due to either ...
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... TW Hydrae, in which dust-rich gas surrounds a star only a few million years old. ALMA's map of the distribution of the dust within this “protoplanetary disk” revealed notable gaps suggesting a “clearing-out” process similar to what ...
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... TW Hydrae association . In this work we present the results for one of them , TW Hya , a Classical T Tauri star surrounded by a circumstellar disk . The disk has been imaged at different wavelengths ( e.g. Weinberger et al . 2002 ...
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... TW Hydrae itself is a K8 dwarf with a likely mass of ∼0.6M ⊙. Overall, the association includes 7 known binaries and 2 triple systems in addition to the quadruple system, HD 98800; this represents a higher multiplicity frequency than ...
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... TW Hydrae . I. Observations of H2 fluorescence . Astrophys . J. 572 : 310–325 . Herczeg , G. , Wood , B. E. , Linsky , J. L. , Valenti , J. A. , and Johns - Krull , C. M. 2004. Far UV spectrum of TW Hydrae : II Models of H2 fluorescence ...
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... TW Hydrae , 7 and Chamaeleontis , all re- lated to the Scorpio - Centaurus OB Association . We consider the motion of the stars with complete ( Hip- parcos ) kinematical data in the general gravitational field of the Galaxy . This is ...