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In a tale full of raw emotion as supple as a saw blade, The Clearing is a mesmerizing journey into the trials that define men’s souls.
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"Focusing on transformations of love and self over time and in bereavement. White's subjects are autobiographical--love, marriage, the deaths of his father, mother, and, more centrally, his first wife.
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W tej książce Adam Kay wraca do swoich dzienników i dzieli się z czytelnikami komicznymi, choć niejednokrotnie poruszającymi historiami, które rozegrały się za błękitną kotarą w okresie świąt. „Świąteczny dyżur” to ...
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A fictional story based on mysteries of the afterlife, ascended masters, life after death, absence of time and all things in between. A beautiful meadow in a clearing in the woods. An ugly pit of darkness and fear.
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In The Clearing, author Heather Davis crafts a tender and poignant tale about falling in love, finding strength, and having the courage to make your own destiny—a perfect book to slip into and hide away for awhile.
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The Clearing is language transformed into water, grit, and song. This calabash of poetry by Naomi S. Daugherty turns vulnerability into power and transparency into testimony, elevating the art form through her honest narrative and imagery.
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Investigating the suspicious suicide of a Native American high school girl that took place forty years prior, detective Tracy Crosswhite finds herself in the crosshairs of a small town's secrets, that may lead her to become the next victim.
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Bubber the Lemming joins a group of forest animals in their quest for spiritual understanding and self-knowledge.