Wyświetlam wyniki dla tom sharpe
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Three of Tom Sharpe's novels are collected in this volume: Wilt, The Wilt Alternative and Wilt on High.
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When Lockhart Flawse is catapulted out of his upper-class and rapunzel-esque life with the curmudgeonly Flawse Senior, he must enter the world of suburbia, and marriage.
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A South African woman struggles to convince the police that she has murdered her black cook.
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Kommandant van Heerden, the chief of police of Piemburg, terrorizes true Englishmen and even truer Zulus in his search for a perfect South Africa, while Luitenant Verkramp and Dr. von Blimenstein try to use aversion therapy to enforce ...
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Hilarious send-up of the publishing industry.
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Though as cunning as ever, the formidable Skullion - previously head porter, now elevated to Master - is showing signs of physical frailty after his stroke.
tom sharpe z books.google.com
Mr Glodstone follows, at home and abroad, in the footsteps of his fictional spy heroes. Peregrine Clyde- Brown, an unsuspecting pupil, becomes his accomplice and academic life is portrayed with the usual "Sharpe" wit.
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This explosively comic novel will gladden the heart of everyone who has ever confronted a bureaucrat, and spells out in riotous detail how the forces of virtue play an exceedingly dirty game when the issue is close to home.
tom sharpe z books.google.com
The proud but obscure Petrefact family have survived by keeping their heads down, but when Ronald is elevated to the peerage he engages Prof Yapp to write the family history.