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Warwick Deeping's masterful storytelling and vivid imagery make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in Arthurian legends and medieval history.
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Uther is a compelling love story and, like the other books in the Camulod Chronicles, a version of the legend that is more realistic than anything that has been available to readers before.
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A matchless warrior A true friend lost A love like none before The son of a Celtic King and a Romano-British aristocrat, Uther Pendragon learns early to respect honour, nobility and integrity, but he also learns to love to fight, and to ...
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Uther Pendragon, High King of Britain, is dying. As he weakens, Britain is being torn apart by the squabbling of kings. Only one man can bring them together. This is the legend of Artorex, the man destined to be King Arthur.
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The tale follows the life of King Arthur, from his early days as a young, uncertain boy under the care of the wizard Merlyn to his eventual reign and the establishment of the Knights of the Round Table.
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"From the author of The Merlin Prophecy, a trilogy that Kirkus Reviews proclaimed, will "appeal to those who thrill to Game of Thrones," the first installment in the action-packed trilogy of battles, romance, and bravery during the Dark ...
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Interspersed throughout the story are a variety of colorful characters and circumstances which illustrate the important moments in the history of his kingdom. At the beginning of the epic, Uther Pendragon is King of all England.
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"David Gemmell tells a tale of very real adventure, the stuff of true epic fantasy.