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The Heart of a Vaishnava reminds us of Krishna’s words, “The worship of My devotee is greater than even the worship of Me.” To the uninitiated, this is a puzzle, for Krishna also says, “The devotee is My heart and I am His.” But ...
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In this book, Ravi Gupta sheds new light on the contribution of Chaitanya Vaishnava to the realm of Indian philosophy.
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The Heart of a Vaishnava reminds us of Krishna's words, "The worship of My devotee is greater than even the worship of Me." To the uninitiated, this is a puzzle, for Krishna elswhere says, "The devotee is My heart and I am His.
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Paying particular attention to devotees’ failure to consistently live up to ISKCON’s ideals and the ongoing struggle to realize the utopian vision of an ‘ideal Vedic city’, this book argues that the anthropology of ethics must ...
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The president and acarya of the Gopinath Gaudiya Math offers his insights into in the teachings of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in this enlightening book.
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This book of essays is written with an insider's perspective of Sri Vaishnavism but with a pronounced "outside-looking-in" stance.