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A rich and fascinating account of one of music history’s most ancient, varied, and distinctive instruments From its origins in animal horn instruments in classical antiquity to the emergence of the modern horn in the seventeenth century, ...
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Aleksandr Bryk. trąbka waltornia skrzypce skrzypce wiolonczela kontrabas skrzypce waltornia trąbka skrzypce trąbka skrzypce skrzypce trąbka 1 NOWOSAD J. OŁTARZEWSKI BRONISŁAW ... waltornia Król Henryk waltornia Kubina Lucjan perkusja 112.
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... waltornia Es 3 , waltornia Es 4 , tenor B 1 , te- nor B 2-3 , trąba Es 3 , trąba Es 4 , puzon 1-2 , pu- zon 3 , klarnet B 2 , klarnet B 3 , waltornia Es 1 , waltornia Es 2 , trąba B 1 , trąba B 2 po s . 1 nlb .; baryton , klarnet B 1 ...
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From the earliest beginnings of the horn as a primitive tool of man to the sophisticated valve instruments of today, the authors trace the development of the horn and its uses.
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Complemented by an extensive bibliography, this accessible guide will appeal to players of all levels.
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Fitzpatrick plays examples of horn music by Handel, Bach, Fux, Haydn, Mozart, Danzi, Beethoven and Weber. Eash example on recording consists of a few bars only from the work ilsted.