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Conor and Grace are twins, recently orphaned after their widowed father's death.
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When twins Connor and Grace's ship is wrecked in a storm and Connor is rescued by pirates, he believes that Grace has been taken aboard the mythical Vampirate's ship, and he is determined to find her.
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When Connor Tempest and his swashbuckling pirate buddies get a rare break in their duties, they're in the mood for fun, sun and adventure.
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In this sequel to Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean, there's a traitor aboard the Diablo and enemies at every turn.
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Orphaned twins Grace and Connor Tempest might now be travelling on the same ship, but that doesn't make for plain sailing.
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As fans of the Vampirates series know, nothing is quite as it seems when Vampirates and pirates are involved, so twins Connor and Grace have to keep up their guards.
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Vampirates Book 3 - Grace journeys with Lorcan Furey to Sanctuary, the mountaintop retreat run by Mosh Zu Kamal, which offers healing for troubled Vampirates.