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This is a reassessment of the international monetary crises of the post-World War I period, that led to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
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The question, given this, is why didn't policymakers do better? Hall of Mirrors, Barry Eichengreen's monumental twinned history of the two crises, provides the farthest-reaching answer to this question to date.
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This collection of essays by leading international sociologists and social scientists explores the likely outcomes and consequences
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For nearly four years, until the spring of 1933, the U. S. economy plunged into a deep reces sion. Activity declined, prices fell, and there emerged a massive unemploy ment problem. The economy ultimately overcame this shock in 1933.
wielki kryzys z books.google.com
... kryzys finansowy przynosi przewartościowanie roli państwa w gospodarce, podobnie jak Wielki Kryzys lat 30. XX wieku. Państwo odgrywa obecnie bezprecedensową rolę na rynkach finansowych po ćwierćwieczu ich liberalizacji i deregulacji ...