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Far from dry, this is a thrilling read, one that echoes of this still turbulent region today. Students of the history of the Middle East will be enthralled by this ancient work. "
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Do thou therefore stay him in this work; but stay him with soft words. Bid him come to thee, and when he is come, take good care that he never go among the Greeks any more." This counsel seemed good to the King.
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... wojny, a w szczególności tego, na jaką broń kłaść szczególny nacisk oraz jakie przejmować techniki. Wojny perskie (499–469 r. p.n.e.) postawiły obie cywilizacje w obliczu bezpośredniego konfliktu. Kiedy Grecy i Persowie spotkali się na ...
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Filled with the sights, sounds, and scent of battle, The Battle of Salamis is a stirring work of history.
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By portraying the human situations and historical circumstances in which Greeks practiced their religion, Mikalson advances our knowledge of the role of religion in fifth-century Greece and reveals a religious dimension of the Persian Wars ...
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During the lively years of General Belisarius' campaigning in Africa, in Italy, and in the East, Procopius was an eyewitness of the events he describes in his writings.
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... wojny punickie miały ten sam charakter dziejowej ko- nieczności , konfliktu nieuchronnego dwóch przeciwległych cy = wilizacji sąsiadujących z sobą ludów , co wojny perskie . Jednak o przeszło dwa wieki późniejsze wojny punickie pod ...
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Aimed at students and scholars of ancient history, this highly accessible book will fascinate anyone interested in the burgeoning fields of refugee and diaspora studies.
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In After Thermopylae, Paul Cartledge masterfully reopens one of the great puzzles of ancient Greece to discover, as much as possible, what happened on the field of battle and, just as important, what happened to its memory.