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... Wylan ac i lawr at y traeth. “Waw! Fan hyn oeddet ti'n arfer byw?” holodd Jodie a'i cheg yn agored. “Mae o fel palas ... Wylan yn sefyll yn gadarn. Ceisiodd Jodie ddychmygu byw yn y fath le. Doedd dim rhyfedd fod gan Huw gymaint o feddwl ...
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... Wylan heard the noise and faltered. "What was that?" Wylan asked. "The Red Swords are creating a tunnel with their swords for you," answered Sheri as she led Wylan under the swords. "Why?" puzzled Wylan. "I don't understand." "Then we ...
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Immerse yourself in the tender beauty of "The Taste of Tears," and experience the transformative power of words in this remarkable collection by MARIE WYLAN. CLICK BY BUTTON TO GET YOUR COPY NOW
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... WYLAN . I don't know . He's rude . DAVIS . Always was , I know what ya mean . WYLAN . Could we talk about this Bermuda Blue paint one more time , Davis ? It's gonna work , isn't it ? DAVIS . Wylan , I gave you two choices of red , you ...
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... Wylan released his fairy. Twerp immediately shot under the table and out of view. "There are two swords," answered Prince Bultar as he stared at the colorful patch- es covering Wylan's eyes. "Can you see them?" "In my mind," Wylan ...
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... Wylan heard theshouts behind as someone must have heard his running. Within seconds, his pursuersturned the cornerand their shouting was very clear. They had seen Wylan andwere splitting uptocatch him. Wylan reached theintersection and ...
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... Wylan's body and stepped back . Wylan moaned and fidgeted for a bit before he sat bolt upright on the bench . “ Be careful , ” warned Zalaharic is a soft soothing voice . “ You are not where you think you are . Quick movements can lead ...
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... Wylan shrugged. "You would never say that if that was the real reason," Sheri replied suspiciously. "You are planning on doing something stupid." "Is protecting our queen stupid now?" Wylan retorted. "I am a Knight of Alcea. I am sworn ...
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... Wylan's sightlesseyes and nodded. “Soyou are Wylan?” he said in surprise. “I have heard about you. Pretty feisty for a blind man.” Wylan stiffened and a scowl fell over his face. His hands went taught on thestaff. “Easy, lad ...