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After I launched the Islet (landesbioscience. com/journals/islets) and founded the Islet Society (isletso- ety. org), there was a momentum that could be utilized to create something equally meaningful i. e. this book.
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Proceedings of the First International Meeting of the Pancreatic Islet Study Group held in the Alicante, Spain, November 25-28 1994
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The volume highlights major gaps in knowledge and indicates the directions for research on the major functioning of this organ and the defects leading to its major pathology, diabetes mellitus. The book is organized into three parts.
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The islets of Langerhans, the primary source of hormone production in the pancreas, have been the focus of research into the nature of diabetes for decades.
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The breadth of research efforts represented by the many excellent papers in these proceedings is an eloquent testimonial to the idea of one man Dr. Josiah Brown-to whose memory this volume is dedicated.
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The text also discusses the biosynthesis and storage of insulin, along with insulin release. The seventh part details pancreatic islets and diabetes. The book will be of great use to students, researchers, and practitioners of medicine.
wysepki langerhansa z books.google.com
After I launched the Islet (landesbioscience. com/journals/islets) and founded the Islet Society (isletso- ety. org), there was a momentum that could be utilized to create something equally meaningful i. e. this book.
wysepki langerhansa z books.google.com
This book gives insight into the current understanding of the management of pancreatic cancer and considers recent findings in cancer research.
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Since the publication of the original edition in 2004, substantial progress has been made in the field of pancreas transplantation, specifically in regard to standardization of operative techniques and immunosuppression; significant ...